Why use editors like (Neo)Vim/Emacs?

Neovim with SCNvim is just a fantastic environment for SC, a joy. You can write scripts that send semantically meaningful sections of code to sclang - or pipe bits of text to other programs… and sclang can insert or otherwise process text in your buffer via Lua as well. check out this thread for more SCNVim - A NeoVim frontend for SuperCollider

Vim provides marks, folding, registers, macros, proper search and replace and many other productivity enhancers - and with nvim you get tree-sitter and snippets and auto-aligning and telescope who knows what else… at the cost of lots of learning and configuration. I have spent many hours hacking my nvim setup, true, but then I simply could not build the kind of big project I’m currently working on in the IDE…

And of course you need to take the time to learn the vim way of moving and acting in the first place - its a steep learning curve but can be very fast and pleasant in the end.